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Discovering Denture Types, Preparation Procedures, and Implant Overdentures

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on dentures – a solution that restores both functionality and confidence to your smile. In this section, we'll explore the different types of dentures available, the preparation procedures you need to be aware of, and the revolutionary concept of implant overdentures.


Types of Dentures:

1. Complete Dentures:

Complete dentures are used when all teeth in one or both arches are missing. They replace the entire set of teeth and rest on the gums, held in place by suction.

3. Immediate Dentures:

These dentures are made in advance and placed immediately after tooth extraction, ensuring you don't go without teeth during the healing process.

2. Partial Dentures:

Partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain. They fill in the gaps created by missing teeth and are usually held in place by clasps that attach to adjacent natural teeth.

4. Overdentures:

Overdentures are a hybrid solution, combining implants and dentures. They provide enhanced stability by attaching to dental implants surgically placed in the jawbone.

Preparation Procedures for Dentures:

1. Dental Examination:

A thorough dental examination is the starting point. Your dentist will assess your oral health, take impressions, and discuss your expectations and concerns.

3. Impression Making:

Precise impressions are taken to create dentures that fit comfortably and look natural.

2. Tooth Extractions:

If there are remaining teeth that need to be removed, extractions will be carried out. In some cases, immediate dentures might be provided.

4. Fitting and Adjustments:

Once the dentures are ready, they are fitted in your mouth. Your dentist will make necessary adjustments to ensure they fit snugly.

Implant Overdentures: The Revolution in Tooth Replacement:

Implant overdentures offer a groundbreaking alternative to traditional dentures, combining the stability of dental implants with the convenience of removable dentures.

1. Implant Placement:

Dental implants are surgically placed into the jawbone. These implants act as anchors for the overdenture.

3. Enhanced Functionality:

Implant overdentures allow you to eat, speak, and smile confidently without worrying about denture movement.

2. Attachment System:

The overdenture is designed with a specialized attachment system that securely clicks onto the dental implants. This offers superior stability and prevents slipping or discomfort.

4. Preservation of Jawbone:

The implants stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss and maintaining facial structure.


Dentures come in various types to suit your unique needs, and preparation procedures ensure they fit comfortably and look natural. Implant overdentures take tooth replacement to a new level by offering stability, comfort, and improved oral health. Whether you're considering traditional dentures or exploring the benefits of implant overdentures, our skilled professionals are here to guide you through the process, helping you achieve a restored smile that enhances both your appearance and quality of life.

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